These are some general guidelines for eating which will help you care for your stoma more easily:
• Eat meals regularly. A stoma works best if you have three or more regular meals a day
• Chew your food well. If you have an ileostomy this helps prevent any food blockage
• Try new foods one at a time. If a new food seems to cause a problem eliminate it for a couple of weeks and then try again
• Drink a lot of fluid daily as you may lose more fluids than normal through your stoma

An extra note for ileostomists
It is very easy to lose large amounts of water, minerals and vitamins through an ileostomy when diarrhea occurs which can quickly leads to dehydration. When this occurs you need to replace these fluids so that you do not become ill.
Foods High in Potassium Foods High in Sodium
Milk, Beef, Fish, Pork, Peppers Tomatoes, Broccoli, Potatoes, Spinach, Green beans, Tomato juice,
Avocado, Apricots, Bananas, Cherries, Grapefruit juice
Strawberries, Pineapple, Dates Salt added to food, Canned and dried soups, Canned meat, fish, gravies, Pickles and relishes, Salted popcorn, Pretzels
Vegetables prepared in brine, Cold cuts of meat, Ham and bacon, Hot dogs, Peanut butter, Salad dressings, Sausages
Tomato juice and sauce