Monday, November 12, 2012

People with 2 Colostomy Bags

One of our readers asked why some have 2 colostomy bags:

The following are the possible answers gathered from friends.

Photo courtesy of Phil Esgate (

1. Possibly to rest one stoma for awhile? One may be more for mucous rather than legit output.

2.  They sometimes have two after a difficult surgery with a contaminated abdomen. One will produce only mucus. Or they could have a colostomy/ileostomy and a urostomy. Urostomy would be if urinary bladder was removed due to cancer or trauma.

3. Yes. If there are birth defects/injuries where there is a neurogenic branded such as spinal cord injury or spina bifida. Spina bifida patients usually have a "button" urostomy. So many situations that can lead to it.

4. A double barrel ostomy forms 2 stomas. One is nonfunctioning meaning that no feces is expelled, yet mucous is discharged so sometimes it is called a mucous fistula. Sometimes this is sewn shut and left in abdomen which then expels mucous through there.

Thanks by Clostomy Friends
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